Time for Mr.Ganesh Thapa to go

Things got so   bad   for President of All Nepal Football Association   Ganesh Thapa on the home turf that   he was forced to cut short his visit to Brazil. He  had to rush back to Nepal   to douse the fire threatening to burn down his   domain.

Upon touching down at Tribhuvan International airport, he wasted no time   to hold a press conference with the sole purpose   to quell the   national and international media firestorm surrounding corruption charges against him.

All in all, the   interaction between Mr. Thapa and the press was insignificant and a big farce. It was   another   futile attempt to prove his innocence and suppress the truth on his part.

Once again he shamelessly defended   himself vigorously   and called it  trumped up charges. He had nothing new to say. Whatever he said, we have heard   it   dime-a dozen times. It seems though the press corps in attendance left him unchallenged for the most part.

If you   believed or believe   his   words, then you   are either living in a fool's paradise or a blind supporter of Mr. Thapa or a low information sport enthusiast. When asked about his involvement in the FIFA bribery scandal surrounding the 2022 World Cup in Qatar, he remained largely silent according to reports. The silence speaks for itself.

Those   who know him, including yours’ truly from a point blank range all would have no hesitation to    describe him as   shrewd, manipulative, deceitful and misleading.

He   continues to   bully and   intimidate journalists who write against him. He still  has the temerity to challenge them with dire consequences, even when he is outside the country. 

All these years he has been living in denial. Regardless of what he says the government must act, investigate him and his cronies.

If Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) can   start investigation into the alleged irregularities in the Cricket Association of Nepal, the same standard should be applied to all including Mr. Thapa and ANFA.  

Why   not? What is stopping them?   This, clearly, is double standard and makes a mockery of CIAA’s fairness and the rule of law. It cannot get any worse than this.

It is rather  very unfortunate that some of the   national media   outlets are guilty of letting Mr. Thapa   off the hook despite his misdeeds and wrongdoings. They   are  doing a big disservice to Nepal football, players and fans.

They should stop singing lullabies for Mr. Thapa, if they do not wish to see Nepal football deteriorate further. The case against   Mr. Thapa is gathering momentum, especially in the local media, and we cannot allow this to fizzle out.

The media people should not succumb to Mr. Thapa’s dirty tactics and pressure. It is high time we raise this issue vociferously   and   pile   pressure on the government to launch investigation into corruption allegation charges   against Mr.  Thapa and his inner circle associates.

The Nepali sport community    has had enough of his   lies, high -handedness, incompetency and failed leadership. It is time for him to go.


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