National players and Clubs have to step up pressure on ANFA

Crest- fallen football   goers across the country   finally   had plenty of reasons to be   happy. The   Under -16   football team’s   success at   the   AFC   U-16 Group C qualifiers   in Kathmandu was the last moment   of relief for the entire Nepali football fraternity.

The talented   side performed creditably and   qualified   for the final round of the competition. The   good result   comes, following   the senior national team’s    big setback   at the SAFF Championship.

Team Nepal   led by upcoming youngster Bimal   Gharti   Magar topped the group with two wins and a draw.  They got off to a rousing   start   by registering   an impressive victory over   Bahrain, bounced back to hold Iraq 2-2 and effortlessly   dumped Turkmenistan.

This time the   youngsters did not disappoint. They   kept their composure and confidence throughout the   tournament. I have to admit   it   is   unfair to expect a lot more from them. Given   the circumstance and limitation, they played and are playing the best.

There is so much talent and   depth on the team, there is good reason to   believe   we can form a   strong national squad with   these players. Let us hope so. Ironically that is the million dollar question itself.

The great result   produced by the   youth team    proves   that Nepal   does have   the potential   to become a formidable   football playing    nation. Past and present records point to the fact that we have been a force to reckon with in age group football.

Sorry to say, that is no more relevant today. It is almost   a thing of the past. We have lost significant ground and reduced to strugglers.

Although the Under-16 has revived some hopes but it will require a whole new vision, approach, commitment and honesty   to turn things around, especially on part of the football body.
The recent debacle of Under-19 at the AFC-19 Qualifiers is a grim reminder to all of us that Nepali football has a very long way to go.

Despite everyone’s optimism,   the sad   state of affairs has greatly hindered the development of football.

The   simple truth   is, the sport has  made insignificant   headway in the last 20 years. This  is largely  the result of administratively incompetent  and dishonest All Nepal Football Association ( ANFA).

Apparently, we are unable to take advantage of our rich talent pool, over the decades. In other words, so much talent goes wasted in  the country.

Besides,  football   continues  to climb the popularity chart like never seen before. It makes no difference anyway. I say this  with a grain of salt because we have failed through lack of purpose than lack of talent.

I have to speak my mind. Since   Thapa’s   success in the upcoming   ANFA   election is  a foregone conclusion,  I see  four more years  of frustration and stagnation coming down the pike.

In fact, the  election  is a huge  farce, and it does nothing to enhance the credibility and  integrity of the  football body. You can mark   my words, things will not change

We cannot have   people like Thapa running the show   and expect   football   to grow and prosper as desired.  Not only have they failed miserably but lack   accountability whatsoever.

If   we do not hold   ANFA   responsible for the stagnation of football, who do we   blame  ? Thapa and company  should stop whining, lying  and get the job done  or quit to pave the way for others.

All these   years   ANFA has spent too much time governing and organizing  competitive  football rather than focusing on growth and development of football .The sad fact is  we  are sans a strong   domestic league, basic infrastructure,  and short and long term programs.

Like any seasoned politician Thapa   with the backing of his lackeys  has  been able  to keep his hold on power  for this long.

Only national players and   clubs with fans’ support   can put  real pressure on ANFA  .They need to raise their voices and   demand  the football body for a better governance, honesty, transparency  and fresh set of ideas.


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