GoalNepal continues to soar high

I am dedicating my write-up to the entire “GoalNepal.com” team for the invaluable and incredible contribution to Nepal football. At the outset, let me be crystal clear, the article has nothing to do with my association with “GoalNepal.com “ in the role of an occasional contributor. I request you not to cast aspersions on my motives. Don’t get me wrong,this is not a sponsored article. I have written from my heart because they truly deserve all the accolades that come their way. The selfless hard work, the time and effort they have put in this project is highly remarkable,admirable and exemplary. The team comprises a group of enthusiastic and passionate professionals whose commitment to ”GoalNepal.com” is putting development of Nepal football first. First and foremost,I felt the urge to write and appreciate the exceptional and excellent service “GoalNepal.com “ has been doing to foster and promote the deve...