Newly elected ANFA President Pankaj Nembang must prove he is the solution,not the problem.

In Mr.Pankaj Bikram Nembang the All Nepal Football Association of Nepal has a new President. Mr.Nembang unseated incumbent All Nepal Football Association (ANFA) President Mr.Karma Tsering Sherpa by six votes in the recently held election. Mr.Nembang garnered 45 votes against Mr.Sherpa’s 39.The third candidate Mr.Rajiv Paudel drew blank,failing to get a single vote. Mr.Nembang, a resident of Dhulabari,Jhapa is a familiar face in Nepal football and has been associated with ANFA since 2002.Prior to that he was also a member of the Jhapa District Football Association. He served as an executive member and more recently senior Vice President in Mr. Ganesh Thapa and Mr.Sherpa led ANFA respectively. Mr.Nembang ran his campaign on changing the landscape of Nepal football like never seen before and governing ANFA in a very pragmatic, meaningful,transparent and effective manner. Whether or not the newly elected President delivers on his promises,time will tell...