ANFA making footballers the sacrifical lamb
President of All Nepal Football Association Ganesh Thapa continues to face mounting criticism over his involvement in the alleged corruption scandal that is gaining ground. So far he has barefacedly denied the accusations and remains defiant as ever.
Voices of dissent against Mr. Ganesh Thapa is growing by the day. Former national coach Krishna Thapa is the latest to join the long list of dissenting individuals. Mr. Thapa, a long time ally of All Nepal Football Association (ANFA) boss resigned as ANFA technical director recently.
While he was away in Brazil for the World Cup, the corruption scandal was revisited by the local media in a pretty big way, following the British newspapers new revelations. The amount of coverage was amazing and unexpected.
Also a section of the media sympathetic to Mr. Thapa mustered the courage to expose his corrupt, incompetent and scandalous administration. Whether the media can keep up all the good work is yet to be seen.
At the same time, some of the agitating present and past ANFA officials demanded and are demanding that the government and Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority( CIAA) take action against Mr. Thapa. This has added fuel to the fire.
Mr. Thapa and his stooges are in a panic mode behind the curtains. The desperation is written all over the face of ANFA boss at the moment. No wonder, he took the help of a rather timid and submissive media for two successive days and beyond and absurdly repeated his innocence.
And to hear him say,”Hang me if I am proven guilty”, was absolutely hilarious and laughable. He made a complete mockery of himself.
Every time he makes an appearance on a TV show he talks big and repeats his lofty rhetoric. We have heard him repeat the same recycled rhetoric, time and time again. He said the same things in his latest appearance on Dil Bhusan Pathak’s show “Hard Talk”.
Everyone knows about his involvement in the corruption scandal and the illegal payments he received. This is a clear case of financial wrong doing, enrichment in public office and administrative corruption.
Once FIFA completes its investigation into the wide spread corruption scandal, then shall we know, whether he is innocent of any corruption charges as he claims.
Despite public and media outcry and mounting evidences, I still cannot comprehend why CIAA is reluctant to act against him.
Mr. Thapa leaves no stones unturned when tackling critics and opponents. He often resorts to devious ploys to out talk, out maneuver and outwit his opponents. He continues to do so to date. He is at it again. This time he has brought a handful of players to the forefront , thus making them the proverbial sacrificial lamb .
Mr .Thapa, fearing a possible players' revolt, has managed to win the support of a few. Most likely, they were pressured to voice their support in exchange for a return promise.
Should that be the case then it is most unfortunate, and they have done themselves a big disfavor. Or they did it for their own self serving purposes.
I am terribly disappointed for their support of Mr. Thapa and condemning those fighting against his highhandedness, failed leadership and in transparent administration.
The majority of players do not have the gall to criticize Mr. Thapa and ANFA for fear of being ostracized. I do not blame them. I understand they are victims of the system, and I have sympathy for them.
But that does not mean they have to side with Mr. Thapa at a time when public opinion and support for him is at an all time low. This is a very unpopular move that has already backfired.
Whether they like it or not, they should stay away from dirty controversies and reserve their comments, making sure they do not earn the ire of the public and get labeled as Mr. Thapa’s puppets.
Players must think twice before speaking their minds, especially if they intend to say what they think. They should learn to rise above the petty politics of self-interest and raise their voice against the wrong doers in the system.
If indecisive and faced with dilemma, take cue from your cricket friends. Never compromise your integrity and professionalism. More importantly, never ever let your fans down. Otherwise, you will regret it.
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