Tumultus off-field year for Nepal Cricket: 2016 in Retrospect
It is hard to believe that 2016 has gone by so fast. At the same time, it is very important that we look back at, what went right , what went wrong in the last twelve months, and what we should do in the future. For someone like me who is passionate about Nepali cricket and makes honest attempts to voice opinions , I would be doing myself a disfavor by not reacting to events, both positive and negative,which unfolded around us. I have taken time to look back at some of the highlights that stood out for me.Perhaps you all agree with me that 2016 was a mix year for Nepali cricket, with its highs and lows; its ups and downs. In a country like Nepal where cricket reigns the hearts and minds of a majority of sports goers, the sport should have been in a robust state and thriving. The reality,however, is not the way I/you perceive it . Or things are not quite as one would expect. True our team has tasted success...